Expert Speaker in the documentary “The Resonance” with the Honorable, Former Defense Minister for Canada, Paul T. Hellyer Featured Speaker at World Peace Day Mental Health Panelist …
Blame and Victimhood
I hear many people wanting to blame the Universe, people, places and things for how their life is. They really don’t’ understand that they are the victims of their own …
Testimonies from From the Vision Book Workshop January 16, 2016
Very enlightening-going home with positive energy. Hope we do this again. The women in this group were all fun- Judy, you make it fun. Always a learning experience re; life …
Healthy Smoothie Video
Sharing with you one of the ways I keep healthy so I can live vibrantly to over 100. I find that most of my clients desire and take advantage of …
11 11 Energy Today
With all this talked about energy that is available today being 11 11, I will be taking full advantage of the power. They say a strong vortex is opening with …
Shrunken Heads in Cider
SO MUCH FUN…Shrunken Heads in Cider Ingredients • 2 cups lemon juice • 2 tablespoons coarse salt • 8 large Granny Smith apples • 32 whole cloves • 2 gallons …
Protected: Teleconference call July 9, 2015
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
How Well are You Taking Care of Yourself?
How well are you taking care of yourself? Do we really understand what it means to take care of ourselves? What does that look like? What does it feel like? …
Awesome Energies – Loving Me More
Some awesome energies have come swooping in over the past few days and I find myself going deep within, exploring those parts that no longer serve me. For me right …
My True Story about, when Compassion becomes Tangible.
When I serve others, my heart warms in ways that can only be felt when Compassion becomes Tangible and how every day I ask for ways to keep growing, serving …
The Fire Master-Masterful Seduction
Why I wrote this poem… Years ago I was dating a man, who held potential for a really unique relationship. We had fires every night, unless it rained or snow-stormed. …
Are We Going to be OKAY?
Many of you have expressed to me that your world is not in flow. You are stressed and don’t know which way to turn. I get that and I know …
Almost Instant Manifestation
Who wants to hear a beaver story? This really is a “HOW TO” MANIFEST pretty much INSTANTLY! Yesterday I was counting down the minutes to be in my boat on …
Judy and her Truck
Judy and her Truck The year 2008 end of November. I stand beside a truck I had rented to move me, as I had just purchased a new home on …
Deep Changes Once Again…
The strong pull of energies have been quite evident in my life these past few days. An almost overwhelming wave of love has settled in and made residence deep within …
Halloween AWEsome Blog
I start my blog off with my poem about a love that never dies… and then… Halloween Treats to enjoy with your special love (or company) …
Taking some time
In the midst of my packing, I took some time to enjoy this glorious fall day. I had the lake to myself, well, aside from the birds and animals. I …
On the move again
As I wander through the maze of my packed boxes, I think of the two major life changing decisions that I have made in the past month that already have …
…the next part of my journey…
As I step into the next part of my journey, I must admit there is a little uneasiness. I can feel the excitement building, my anxious heart races with the …
As I open my garden door curtains I am greeted by a raccoon who has his nose right up against the door looking at me. I sit with my forehead …
What did I learn today?
Today was a special day. So, what have I learned today? I thought about my life and how it has and still is changing so fast, at lightening speed actually. …
taking time
it is so important to find your “stress reliever”
This heavy energy is still emitting life changing moments for me, subtle, but somehow strong at the same time. The opportunities I have for change are immense and yet not …
I wait…
I feel lost Words are not flowing Inspiration doesn’t seem to show up I am depressed I know I will come out and insight will be given I just wanna …
Mourning Tears
I had just finished a phone consultation with my mom’s doctor on her condition and thereality of the fact that I have a “NEW mom,” because of Alzheimer’s hit me hard … …
Zucchini Boats
Just cut a zucchini in half lengthwise and trim a little off the bottom so it sits still. Scoop out the center where the seeds are with a spoon. Brush …
the day is over I sit quiet by the fire the world shows the moment in time that I let go of me and surrendered to being someone that was …