It’s more than just the Christmas Spirit
There are many people not able to find the “christmas spirit” and I don’t mean the commercialized one with all the old programmed beliefs of what should and needs to …
⭐ There is a war raging for your consciousness.⭐
There are many people not able to find the “christmas spirit” and I don’t mean the commercialized one with all the old programmed beliefs of what should and needs to …
I am feeling a huge renewal of sorts. It’s like the clouds have dissipated and I see much more clearer now. The not knowing has become a knowing, in the …
New internal changes are upon me again, but in a whole different way. It’s hard to describe the feeling, it’s like I want to make up new words with …
Have you noticed a difference in how you are showing up? A new sense of even how your physically body is feeling? Have you sensed the distinct change in your …
The energy in the air has been CRACKLING! And it feels like one of those days? I woke with a BIG mixed bag of emotions raging through me and I …
It’s All About The Love I have always loved the holidays and believed in the magic I felt from the Christmas Season. As a little girl I would count down …
My path of life Illusion of happiness Smacked with the realization That a world of glee Is not always going to be Learning lessons The hardest way Has built my …
Who ever said this transformation time is not for wimps was spot on and we have been deep in it for quite some time and we are going deeper. Are …
When we are not having fun our creativity and motivation take a hit based on recent research. This is why I have been a huge advocate of adding play time …
Expert Speaker in the documentary “The Resonance” with the Honorable, Former Defense Minister for Canada, Paul T. Hellyer Featured Speaker at World Peace Day Mental Health Panelist …
I hear many people wanting to blame the Universe, people, places and things for how their life is. They really don’t’ understand that they are the victims of their own …
Very enlightening-going home with positive energy. Hope we do this again. The women in this group were all fun- Judy, you make it fun. Always a learning experience re; life …
SO MUCH FUN…Shrunken Heads in Cider Ingredients • 2 cups lemon juice • 2 tablespoons coarse salt • 8 large Granny Smith apples • 32 whole cloves • 2 gallons …
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
Many of you have expressed to me that your world is not in flow. You are stressed and don’t know which way to turn. I get that and I know …
Judy and her Truck The year 2008 end of November. I stand beside a truck I had rented to move me, as I had just purchased a new home on …
The strong pull of energies have been quite evident in my life these past few days. An almost overwhelming wave of love has settled in and made residence deep within …
As I step into the next part of my journey, I must admit there is a little uneasiness. I can feel the excitement building, my anxious heart races with the …
As I open my garden door curtains I am greeted by a raccoon who has his nose right up against the door looking at me. I sit with my forehead …
Today was a special day. So, what have I learned today? I thought about my life and how it has and still is changing so fast, at lightening speed actually. …
it is so important to find your “stress reliever”
This heavy energy is still emitting life changing moments for me, subtle, but somehow strong at the same time. The opportunities I have for change are immense and yet not …
I feel lost Words are not flowing Inspiration doesn’t seem to show up I am depressed I know I will come out and insight will be given I just wanna …
I had just finished a phone consultation with my mom’s doctor on her condition and thereality of the fact that I have a “NEW mom,” because of Alzheimer’s hit me hard … …
Just cut a zucchini in half lengthwise and trim a little off the bottom so it sits still. Scoop out the center where the seeds are with a spoon. Brush …
the day is over I sit quiet by the fire the world shows the moment in time that I let go of me and surrendered to being someone that was …
I’m starting to find my way back…who’da thunk I’d be down for so long. I realize that I have been out of spiritual alignment for quite sometime. I felt like …