Insecurities of Your Value Interfere with the Dreams of Your Life
Sure, we all have them…moments of doubt and insecurity. Times when we feel that we are not good enough. We tend to judge ourselves knocking down our self-esteem.
What happened to those dreams of a happy, fulfilled life? Where did they go? Do you still dream, or are you just coping day to day?
How does one value oneself when we are just coping and the stresses seem to be monumental, and it feels like they are increasing daily?
When we get down on ourselves, we block the natural flow of goodness that is always available through the Laws of this Universe.
This natural flow is peace, balance, harmony, and prosperity in all areas of our lives.
Isn't this really our quest, our hopes and desires?
If what we think becomes our reality, then how come our reality does not match up to that which we think we are thinking?
This is a common question my clients/students always ask me.
And here is how I put it in a nutshell.
It is all about momentum and focus.
Yup, as simple as that.
One of the laws of this universe says that like attracts like, and that which asks, we receive.
Most people don’t truly understand this law, so they keep beating up on themselves, keeping their self-worth and self-esteem down.
Living an incredible, happy-filled life can be simple once we understand how the insecurity of our value interferes with our dreams.
We are here to live in joy and continually experience the co-creation of being and having more goodness flow in.
When we focus on the stuff from yesterday or years ago, we live it all over again and feel regret, sorrow, anger, and sadness.
The dreams we had are now on the shelf because our focus has been on lack, all the old stuff that did not make us feel good.
Every issue we have had and do have concerns our self-esteem/self-worth.
We have been conditioned to believe that we are not good enough, that we are missing something, and that we cannot be more than we are right now.
We have been told that we need to measure up and change things about ourselves to fit in and become worthy.
And we have mistakenly believed this to be true. We have believed the lies "they" told us that we are not good enough.
So, no wonder we are feeling insecure, which totally interferes with the dreams we have for our lives.
When we go within and look at ourselves, we will find the goodness and perfectness we all are.
So, to shift this stinking thinking around, we need to focus on what feels good and right.
Yup, simple, but not easy because it requires lots of practice and focus.
Imagine living the life you want!
Here are some steps to accomplish this.
1. Setting aside specific times to just be with you.
2. Remembering and doing the things that make you feel good.
3. Putting yourself first in all instances.
4. Connecting to nature because it has positive impacts on your body and soul.
5. Letting go of all toxic, non-loving people, things, and circumstances.
6. Go within, find your soul, and connect to your higher power.
7. Lose the people-pleasing syndrome.
When we begin to value aspects of ourselves, our dreams become alive, and your soul will know how to fulfill them.
When you practice building up your self-worth, you step into a higher elevation of positive, inspirational living.
Keep practicing, focus, and do not be afraid to reach out to those that can support/guide you. I offer a complimentary discovery support call. Just reach out to me.