The strong pull of energies have been quite evident in my life these past few days. An almost overwhelming wave of love has settled in and made residence deep within my soul. I am loving this, my physical body feels this expansion as well.
This LOVE energy is so powerful. The pulsating, all consuming waves feels like liquid love fire as it travels throughout my body, sending energetic shivers from the top of my head to the tips of my toes. I relish in this exchange when it happens, because I feel the intense LOVE from Source and let me tell you, there is nothing like this to compare it to.
The changes that have occurred within me are so deep, that it always brings me to joyful, yet humbling tears of gratitude and a whole new deeper compassion for every living thing.
I feel and know that all my experiences are meant to be shared, to help support and inspire others and the gifts for these are being manifested and honed within me everyday. I know Source is blessing and teaching me the “how to’s.” I receive the downloads quite often during the day and I make sure that I take verbal and written notes, as the messages flow.
I find I am more content than ever before with my life, even though my life has changed radically in all ways these past few years and more so in the past 6 months and will again in the next couple of months.
My compassion meter has always rode high, but these days it tips the scale and I am being led to do things that startle others as I reach out in LOVE. I am being told to walk my talk in a bigger way then ever before. I said that I was willing to do this, be transparent and vulnerable, to strip away the pretense, to be the me that I was intended to be. And so I shall continue and be willing to open in ways I have yet to discover…
Sending waves of blessings to you all as we continue on this awesome journey of life.