Staying Strong in the Face of Fierce Viruses: Awareness Over Fear

Staying Strong in the Face of Fierce Viruses: Awareness Over Fear

Staying Strong in the Face of Fierce Viruses: Awareness Over Fear New strains of viruses and flu seem to be surfacing with more intensity than ever. The media fuels panic,…

How Well are You Taking Care of Yourself?

How Well are You Taking Care of Yourself?

How well are you taking care of yourself? Do we really understand what it means to take…

Awesome Energies - Loving Me More

Awesome Energies - Loving Me More

Some awesome energies have come swooping in over the past few days and I find myself going…

My True Story about,  when Compassion becomes Tangible.

My True Story about, when Compassion becomes Tangible.

When I serve others, my heart warms in ways that can only be felt when Compassion becomes…

The Fire Master-Masterful Seduction

The Fire Master-Masterful Seduction

Why I wrote this poem… Years ago I was dating  a man, who held potential for a…

Are We Going to be OKAY?

Are We Going to be OKAY?

Many of you have expressed to me that your world is not in flow. You are stressed…

Almost Instant Manifestation

Almost Instant Manifestation

Who wants to hear a beaver story? This really is a “HOW TO” MANIFEST pretty much INSTANTLY!…

Judy and her Truck

Judy and her Truck

Judy and her Truck The year 2008 end of November. I stand beside a truck I had…

Deep Changes Once Again...

Deep Changes Once Again...

The strong pull of energies have been quite evident in my life these past few days. An…

Halloween AWEsome Blog

Halloween AWEsome Blog

    I start my blog off with my poem about a love that never dies… and…

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