Staying Strong in the Face of Fierce Viruses: Awareness Over Fear

Staying Strong in the Face of Fierce Viruses: Awareness Over Fear

Staying Strong in the Face of Fierce Viruses: Awareness Over Fear New strains of viruses and flu seem to be surfacing with more intensity than ever. The media fuels panic,…

Changes Once Again ❣

Changes Once Again ❣

  New internal changes are upon me again, but in a whole different way. It’s hard to…

My World is Different Now!

My World is Different Now!

Have you noticed  a difference in how you are showing up? A new sense of even how…

It's One of Those Days

It's One of Those Days

The energy in the air has been CRACKLING! And it feels like one of those days? I…

Something Is Different This Holiday Season

Something Is Different This Holiday Season

It’s All About The Love I have always loved the holidays and believed in the magic I…

Peace, Inner Guidance and Intuition

Peace, Inner Guidance and Intuition

My inner guidance, my intuition and peace of mind has been getting stronger and clearer during this…

My Connection to Source

My Connection to Source

My path of life Illusion of happiness Smacked with the realization That a world of glee Is…

What the SHIFT is going on?

What the SHIFT is going on?

Who ever said this transformation time is not for wimps was spot on and we have been…

What the SHIFT is going on?

What the SHIFT is going on?

Who ever said this transformation time is not for wimps was spot on and we have been…

It's all about Playtime...

It's all about Playtime...

When we are not having fun our creativity and motivation take a hit  based on recent research.…

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